Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Race Street Connector

As construction progresses on the Race Street Pier, designs for a better way to get people to the site continue. Designers of the park, James Corner Field Operations, are designing a better path from 2nd Street to the waterfront.

A section of the fence and lighting that will be provided along the route to the Race Street Pier.

Problems that need to be addressed by James Corner Field Operations and the project managers, the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, include sidewalks, landscape, and the Interstate 95 underpass. The James Corner Field Operations design includes painted bike lanes, new landscaping, better lighting, and a metal screen that will line Race Street under the interstate.

The illuminated fence will span the width of 95.

Public art will also be included as part of this extension. It is anticipated that the Race Street Connector will be complete for the Race Street Pier's grand opening this spring.

Additionally, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has suggested that the nearby on-ramp may eventually be eliminated.

Brownstoner: Full Steam Ahead: Plans for the Race St Connector

1 comment:

  1. We need help with directing the painting for this first fridays happening in Olde City Philadelphia! Here are the details...

    Meet at the Race Street Pier 3pm Friday August 5th 2011 ; distibute work load, plans and materials then Paint!

    I still need help with procuring the 20 lbs of corn starch & 4 Oz of green food dye if anyone can help with aquiring these materials.
